Wednesday, December 23, 2009

December 23

Jorma Kaukonen from Jefferson Airplane is 69; Ron Bushy from Iron Butterfly is 68; Dave Murray from Iron Maiden is 53; Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam is 45;

1959 Chuck Berry is arrested and charged with the Mann Act after ttransporting a minor across state lines for the purpose of prostitution. He is convicted and serves time in prison in Indiana and later in Kansas
1972 Grand Funk Railroad's former manager Terry Knight shows up with moving vans and the sheriff at one of GFR's concerts to collect their equipment. The nand and Knight have been involved in several nasty lawsuits. The sheriff tells Knight he cannot take the equipment until after the show
1986 Two teenagers from Reno, Nevada attempt suicide after listening to the album Stained Glass by Judas Priest. One dies and the parents sue the band claim ing it was their fault. That suit is later dismissed
1987 Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue is pronounced dead, but is then revived with 2 adrenaline shots to the chest

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